You are not prepared.

The first night of the Zombie Apocalypse finds you running for your life. The undead lunge at you from every angle, lurching towards their next gruesome meal. Of course, you know nothing about zombies. Can they run? Do they like dog treats? Do they really want my brain? Your odds of surviving the night are really dropping quickly here… So, read up on the 33 rules of surviving the zombie apocalypse.
Throw Your Own Zombie Escape Room Party At Your!

What’s the best Zombie activity to enjoy with friends? A DIY zombie escape room! All you have to do is print the kit out, throw the puzzles around your pad and you’re ready to crack out the drinks and pizza in the best zombie party in the world. (well, what’s left of the world anyway…), and an awesome way to train your apocalypse survival skills.
Gear up! We’ve got what you need to take on the zombie horde!
You don’t need to die in the zombie apocalypse. Really. They’re slow. They’re dumb. They’re squishy. All you need to save your life is a little-know… One little website could save your life. This little website.
But of course, if you’re procrastinating watching cat videos and eating bonbons, then it’s only a matter of time before the zombies catch up to you…

Let Anything Zombie prepare you for the coming horrors. Check out our online resources to get all the info you need – by reading zombie books, watching zombie movies, or drinking from a zombie coffee mug while playing a zombie board game. Honestly, if you don’t make it through the night… that’s on you! (as are the zombies)
So, you’ve been warned. The zombies are coming. The zombies are here. Can your cat videos wait until you have a zombie apocalypse survival plan?
Escape Room Z – The Ultimate In Zombie Survival Training
Your first job during the Zombie Apocalypse – skedaddle. But how? You see, sometimes it’s not as simple as just running. Sometimes you’re stuck on the 28th floor of a hotel resort. On an island. With a horde of zombies at your door.
Maybe you should practice before that happens…

Escape Room Z is the perfect apocalypse training plan, and it’s just a bunch of fun! Your most valuable asset in a zombie apocalypse is your mind, and that’s exactly what you’ll need to use to beat this tricky escape room game. Not only will you learn to think your way out of a tight spot, but you’ll refine your ever-so-critical teamwork skills as well.

Invite your crew – make it a zombie party (like we did, read all about it here)! You get to eat (not brains) and drink (not blood) while racing to escape a horde of hungry zombies. Can’t get much better than that, right?!
….well yes… yes it can. While an escape room experience like this would easily cost you $40+ a head, the Escape Room Z kit will only set you back $30. Period. Split that between the four friends you’re gonna invite over, and you’re only paying $6 each.
The savvy survivor will have noticed another key feature here – this is a printable game…. so you can play with as many people as you like for no extra cost. Want 60 instead of 6? You can do it. You can host the zombie party of the year! Just print extra copies of the game. We recommend splitting the party into groups of 4-6 people and giving each team a copy of the game (you likely won’t have 60 people with you when the zombie apocalypse hits anyway). Make it a competition to see who can escape the fastest. This will reveal who you can really rely on when the dreaded day finally arrives.

But whether your friends come through for you or not, you can rely me here. And also the masterminds behind Escape Room Z over at Lock Paper Scissors. They’ve got detailed guides and a smiling support team to help you out every shambling step of the way. Try it – just email them for assistance and watch the easy setup video. You’ll have your epic zombie party all set to go before you can even say “look out for that horrifically terrifying zombie!”
And if you’re a little nervous that you don’t have what it takes, don’t worry! The game comes packed with a bucketload of hints to help you escape the zombie horde alive. Like any escape room, the goal is to have fun, and staying stuck on the same puzzle all night is not fun!
So, there you have it. Invite your crew over, start the accompanying playlist (yep! We’ve got your theme music all set!), and escape to fight another day, triumphant tunes blaring in your ears.

(Remember, you can customize Escape Room Z. So after you and your friends escape, you can change the game and invite them over to do it all again. You can never be too prepared, and you can never have too much fun!)
Continue Your Training
While Escape Room Z stands as the undisputed world’s best zombie escape room kit, you can’t play it daily. Well, you can, but you may want some variety in your life (we’re betting that your friends want variety as well). You need additional training methods. After all, varying any training program provides better results.
Anything Zombie immerses you in zombie knowledge. We don’t want to end up as zombie chow either. We know the importance and urgency of preparing as thoroughly and efficiently as you can. Therefore, we offer you a wide variety of ways to extend your knowledge and skills.
Next Level Training – Zombie Games

We can almost hear you asking, “board games?” After all, Monopoly did not turn you into a tycoon, and Trivial Pursuit did not make you a genius. How can playing zombie board games help prepare you for zombies? You’re right, not any game will do. Fortunately, you have Anything Zombie to guide you to the right zombie games.

Anything Zombie only selects the best zombie games for your consideration. Board games, video games, the lot. While I’m definitely more of a board game geek than a pro gamer, I think you’ll find my dabblings and ramblings useful…
You’ll never have this much fun learning to stay alive. No crawling under barbed wire through the mud. No ten-mile runs with 40-pound packs. Just you, your friends, and like-minded survivalists sitting around a table, beverage of choice in hand, laughing as you soak up the knowledge needed to avoid the zombies.
Read A Zombie Book (While Drinking Tea From A Zombie Mug)

Sometimes, you just want to be alone. For instance, when 25 zombies chase you through the streets, and you turn blindly into an alley that ends in a slick brick wall, you really want to be alone. When you turn down the wrong street, you’re done for. Perhaps you should have used Google Maps. Or, you could have read a good zombie book to help you avoid stupid, life-ending mistakes.
Our books have a pulse. They’re page-turners. You may keep reading to find out if your favorite zombie tracked down their next meal. More likely, you will keep reading to find out if the meal got away. Either way, you will keep reading until you reach the end.
At Anything Zombie, we want you to learn how to stay alive. With textbooks? Boring! Lectures? Snooze! Multiple-choice tests? Pass! Nope, zombie novels are definitely where it’s at! It’s the zombie equivalent of obtaining your protein with surf and turf.
However, we give you more than just the best zombie books on the market. We let you know which ones are more dead, than living dead. If the act of turning another page wears you down into a zombie itself, it’s time to find a different book. We warn you off of these time-wasters so that you can remain sharp and stay alive.
Enhance Your Knowledge With Zombie Movies & TV Shows

More people watch movies than read books (and even more play zombie escape games). We’re huuuuge zombie movie junkies here, and we know our stuff!
Wanna know how to travel with a zombie? Use a zombie to your advantage? How about how to navigate zombie-infested shopping mall? No spoilers. You have to watch the movie for yourself.
We let you know which movies will soon hit theaters and where you can buy past releases. You can count on receiving the best advice on zombie related entertainment. After all, we know zombies like they know brains.
The Latest In Anti-Zombie Weapons

At Anything Zombie, we teach you how to escape. But we don’t stop there. Sometimes you just need to pop some zombie brains… and we’ve got you covered! (eww!)
Check out our selection of vehicle modifications. You can rest assured that a zombie will not penetrate your defences. The vehicles also allow you to drive through a crowd of the undead, leaving them disabled in your wake.
We showcase the best weapons, including guns, chainsaws, and gun/chainsaw combinations, for your defensive efforts. With these examples in mind, you will easily have the knowledge and advice you need to survive zombie attacks.
The Kitchen Sink – We Have It All

We call the site Anything Zombie for a reason. We have anything you can imagine here. Except for actual Zombies. (But give us time, I’m sure we’ll get there! In the meantime, you can print your own zombie horde here.)
Buy socks to remind yourself to stay vigilant in the fight against the undead. Download wallpapers for your computer to remind you why you should ignore the cat videos (seriously, have you ever heard of the cat apocalypse). We have posters for your wall.
We have coffee mugs to terrify you into action or remind you how your siblings look first thing in the morning. Watch the reactions of visiting friends as they reach into a cupboard full of cups resembling rotting flesh and dripping blood. You’ll laugh far harder than you did when you pulled that ‘snake-in-a-can’ gag.
That’s not all. If you can imagine it, we have it. Our unwavering dedication to your safety knows no bounds!. We will provide you with everything you need to make it out alive, living to a ripe old age, while your less diligent friends succumb to the terrors of the apocalypse.
Have fun while learning to stay alive! Download Escape Room Z and set up a zombie game night with your friends. Then come back to our site for everything else you need to prepare yourself for the upcoming struggle!
Good luck!