When it comes to the zombie apocalypse, our initial survival will depend on many factors BUT one: our choice. We don’t really know when will it hit and most of us will probably not be prepared for it. Still, if we manage to survive the initial outbreak – or we’re able to outrun then, we have a choice: where to survive the zombie apocalypse?
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In this article, I will share with you my opinion on the best place for surviving the zombie apocalypse: the Mountains. This is, in my opinion, the best area because of one important factor: it’s scarcely populated. This is an extremely important thing because you want to keep the potential zombie numbers as low as possible. There are other reasons why the mountains are the best place for surviving the zombie apocalypse (and basically most types of end of the world scenarios) and we’re going to find out more below:
Don’t forget to check out my prepping/survival website Prepping Tom if you’re looking to get into prepping and survival for more likely to happen scenarios!
Main advantages of surviving in the mountains
As is said, the mountains are scarcely populated areas and will have little people and Zombies. The threat of Zombies walking into the mountains is minimal, because Zombies always take the road of minimal resistance, meaning: downwards, unless they have a reason to take on a different road.
Furthermore, if you are in steep mountain areas, it might be that you will already have trouble climbing it! Imagine a Zombie trying to climb a steep rocky area! It will most likely not succeed, so the mountains will be relatively safe.

Being high up in the mountains gives you a great view of what is happening around you. You can see hordes of Zombies coming from afar and maybe spot other survivors down the mountain. Keep in mind that Zombies will be able to see you as well. Keep a low profile and don’t make any light during the night (unless you’re freezing cold and it’s a matter of survival!).
The best kind of mountain you would want to have are Alpine meadows. Alpine meadows are great for keeping animals and agriculture and would make it even easier for you when it comes to surviving. But if you can’t choose the area, just climb up and figure it out later!
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Water will also be no problem: most likely there is a river from melting ice down the slope. Or there could be ice which you can melt and drink as fresh water. Most of the time there are forests in the mountains from which you can get food, wood and other resources. Further up in the rocky areas could be more useful resources.
Wildlife will also be richly available. If you are lucky, there will be herds of sheep or goats on the meadows. Don’t try to kill them, catch them and put them in a large area surrounded by a strong fence. These animals will keep you fed and alive for a long time, so protect them at all cost.
There is also a possibility that there are smaller settlements up in the mountains which will have stayed clean from the Apocalypse. This could mean that there is a safe community from which you can rebuild and live peacefully. A community like this is most of the time self sustaining and can easily be upgraded into a strong base using the natural resources. Be sure to check out what kind of people live in the settlement before exposing yourself as you should always do when encountering survivors. They could be raiders, so be cautious!
But if they’re not, you’ve just landed yourself a safe, isolated community to weather the apocalypse in! Woohoo! Spending far less time worrying about whether you’ll survive the day means you can spend more time playing games with your new friends. I’d recommend giving Escape Room Z a try. It’s a printable escape room game that is perfect for a party. Check out my playthrough of the game here.
Disadvantages of surviving in the mountains
If there is a mountain next to a large city or settlement, the chances will be that its inhabitants will flee into the mountains for the reasons listed above. This is will cause a great threat, because many Zombies will and follow these fleeing people and lure them in the mountains. This could pose a great threat when trying to survive. Always try to go to a mountain far away from civilization.
In all of the world, it will be hard to find guns in the scarcely populated areas in the mountains unless there is an army base in the mountains which will be stacked with guns (or if you’re not living in the US). This could be an advantage as well as a disadvantage. A gun is great for protection, but will lure many Zombies towards you, because sounds travels far in the mountains. Also when encountering other survivors in the mountains, if both survivors do not have a gun they are more likely to work together to survive. They will be on equal terms.
It could be very cold in the mountains so make sure you create a well isolated base. Remember to not have any fires at night, because this could attract the Zombies. Instead, you could make some kind of shelter and try to catch sheep or goats. These animals will breathe out warm air, so if you have enough animals in your shelter it will get warmer. They might stink a little, but it is better to stink than to turn into a zombie!
Wildlife can be hunted, but it can also hunt you. Watch out for bears, mountain lions etc. This however depends on where you decide to survive. If you do manage to kill one they can be a valuable resource. Their fur is warm as clothes or blankets. And make you look scary as well – the ultimate zombie survival man!
Jokes aside, I do believe that the best place for surviving the zombie apocalypse is up there in the mountains. Do you agree with my view on things? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!
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